The Orion Family

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

::sniffle:: I took this cause it reminded me of Autumn and Icarius, DARN me for uninstalling everytime I run into a little problem, =*( Now this makes me want to cry I miss that family and 3rd gen had just been born...but I can always start another one! Posted by Picasa

Garnet has also become a child, and looks alot like her mother. Posted by Picasa

Jade has become a child and looks alot like her father. Posted by Picasa

Jade Orion, I think....., 1-3-10-5-8, so Garnet is going to be the heiress. Posted by Picasa

Yay! Another birthday! Posted by Picasa

Garnet Orion, 5-2-7-5-8 Posted by Picasa

It's birthday time! Posted by Picasa

Sapphire is happy to be home from work. Posted by Picasa

Sapphire asks her best friend Quinten to move in to help with the twins. Posted by Picasa

Meet Jade and Garnet Orion. Posted by Picasa

WHOA! It's two babies!! Both little girls. Posted by Picasa

It's a little girl! Posted by Picasa

It's labor time! And Crystal Vu is there to witness it. Posted by Picasa

Wow! Look how huge she is! Ooo!! I'm excited. Posted by Picasa

It's David Gibson! I have a soft spot for him. so when I install uni again, he will DEFINTLY be in my legacy. Posted by Picasa

Ah! Sapphire is excepting! 2nd generation is right around the corner. Posted by Picasa

Oh looks like Sapphire is at the toliet, and wow! Look at that blue stuff fly! Posted by Picasa

Sapphire is happy, she's married to a great guy, and soon they be starting a family. Posted by Picasa

Scot and Sapphire marry, becoming Mr. and Mrs. Orion. Posted by Picasa

And Sapphire accepts Posted by Picasa

Ah Scot has decided to propose. Posted by Picasa

That night, when Sapphire gets home, she asks Scot to move in, and he does. Posted by Picasa

Here goes Sapphire off to work, she's going to try to work her way up the Culinary track. Posted by Picasa

Sapphire knows Scot works hard at what he does, so she gives him a little back rub. Posted by Picasa

Scot the repairman complients Sapphire on how nice she looks in her underware. Posted by Picasa