The Orion Family

Saturday, August 26, 2006


"Oh Timmy, you are the best thing that ever happened to me."

Well that concludes the update, stay tuned next time! Posted by Picasa


"Come here you gorgeous hunk!" ::muffled sounds:: Posted by Picasa


"Listen Isaac, I really like you, and not just as a friend..." "I've felt the same way about you, but I was scared to let you know." "Well now you don't have to be." Posted by Picasa


"Hey Timmy, I'm really glad you came over." "Anytime Isaac, especially for you." Posted by Picasa


"Heh heh this cowboy guy doesn't know what's coming" "BOOO!!!" "AAAA!! Why do you hate my hat?" Posted by Picasa


"Well Alexandrite you really screwed things up bad..." Posted by Picasa


"Ah yeah! Time for my birthday!" "Woo! Go Alberto!" "Hmm strange outfit...." Posted by Picasa


"Oh my gosh, what have I done....." "I am such vermin." Posted by Picasa


Ivan wonders what has gotten into Alexandrite, she didn't used to be this mean. Posted by Picasa


"Oh yeah! I am beautiful and not just on the outside!" Posted by Picasa


"OH my gosh!!! Mom! You shouldn't be doing that!" Posted by Picasa


"Get out of my house, you made my son gay!" "Uh okay, whatever...." Posted by Picasa


Awwww =*( Poor Isaac....mean old Alexandrite >=-( Posted by Picasa


"I can't even stand the site of you." Posted by Picasa


"Why does she hate me so much, and what's worse, why does she seem to enjoy it?" Posted by Picasa


"Oh sis! Be careful!" "Wooo go Emerald!"
"Ha ha kicked your sorry butt didn't I!" Posted by Picasa


"What is wrong with letting an alien take over the legacy? Nothing that's what!" Posted by Picasa


"Don't worry about it, I, she only cares about herself." Posted by Picasa


"HA HA HA HA! You think you're going to be the heir! HA HA HA!!" Posted by Picasa


"Stop being such a bitch!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Posted by Picasa


"If you think I am going to let you ruin this family with an alien, you've got another thing coming!" Posted by Picasa


"You are a pretty low person, mom, I hate you." Posted by Picasa


"Don't talk to me Isaac, how could you do this to me? I was going to choose you to be the heir!" "But mom, I could get abducted and have an alien baby!" "I think not!" Posted by Picasa